After recieving the mark for my first ads, I decided to change some of the design elements to make my remixed ad clearer. I exchanged the chicken for a duck (since the product is for hunting game birds), made more of a contrast between it and the background, and added a word bubble to clarify who's speaking.
Alicja's final subvertisement
Posted by Team 3 at 8:32 AM 2 comments
McDonald's Subvertisement - Kevin Gerry
Alright, here's my final ad. Quite different from the original draft I made. I ditched the whole "future" thing because it was too complicated and I think it's better that this looks more like McDonald's' regular advertising.
The font I used is copyrighted and would have cost like a hundred dollars to get. I used the sampling feature on the site that had it and took screenshots and cropped them and it was just a giant hassle. But it is one of the companies main fonts, as you will probably recognize.
I used a full bleed image to get across the idea that the food is "bigger" than it is. And I put the food's unhealthiness in terms of calories and nutrients, since that's what's popular recently. If this were a few years ago I'd probably have something about the cholesterol.
I think subvertising McDonald's is something that the SI would approve of, McDonald's is certainly an example of capitalist spectacle.
Posted by Team 3 at 8:44 PM 3 comments
Alicja's second subverted ad
I definitely think this is a more effective ad than the other two. I tried to maintain the light-heartedness of the original, only because most people who look at PETA ads are usually immediately dismissive due to their in-your-face style.
What do you think?
Posted by Team 3 at 9:46 AM 2 comments
Alicja's Subverted Ad's
Blegh.. it's been forever since I last posted. Between having my wisdom teeth out last week and having some sort of crazy throat illness this week, I haven't been the best of bloggers. Ah well.
I've been tinkering around for a while now with my ad, and I think I'm getting close to the final subversion.
I'm super sick right now and I don't particularly feel like going into great detail about my ads. I think the first one is the better of the two... it gets more to the point I suppose.
They're kind of ambiguous, but hopefully everyone will get the point. If not, please let me know. Any comments or suggestions would be totally appreciated.
Posted by Team 3 at 6:32 PM 2 comments